
The Best Advice You Will Ever Get About What Not to Do After a Car Accident in California

No one wants to be involved in a car accident, yet it happens daily in the United States and in California. This is why you should know exactly what to say and what to do if you are involved in a car accident in California. Keep reading to get advice from a personal injury attorney, and then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

Do Not Take Medical Risks

There are many reasons you do not want to take medical risks after a car accident. First and foremost, you want to give yourself the best possible chance of recovering fully. However, it is also important from a personal injury perspective.

If you avoid going to the doctor and/or do not follow their instructions, then the insurance company of the at-fault party can try to use this information to reduce or deny your claim. They will argue that if you had gone to the doctor, then your injuries would not be as serious. Or they will argue that if you were as injured as you claim to be, that you would have gone to the doctor sooner. Avoid medical risks and avoid fueling these arguments.

Never Admit Fault or Apologize

Even if you believe that you are 100% at fault, do not admit fault to the other involved party. Do not admit fault to the police. Do not say anything at the scene. It can be difficult and feel uncomfortable, but remember that you only know your side of the story. You do not have all the information, and you will likely be in shock. If you admit fault at the scene, you could be preventing getting a fair settlement in the future.

File a Police Report

It is common for people who are in what they feel are minor car accidents to avoid calling the police. They might worry that they are going to get a ticket, or they might genuinely believe that their case is minor enough that it does not warrant a call to the police. Whatever the situation is, we always recommend that if there is any possibility that someone was injured, or if there is damage to one or more of the involved vehicles, that you should file a police report.

Do Not Try to Take on the Insurance Company Yourself

Even if the at-fault party’s insurance company offers you an immediate settlement, you do not want to take it without talking to a personal injury attorney. You might be entitled to much more compensation for your injuries. Contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 now to request a free legal consultation.