
Study Shows That People with ADHD Might Be at a Higher Risk of Car Accident: Learn How They Can Stay Safer

A recent study by the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that a driver with ADHD has a 50% higher chance of being involved in a car accident compared to a person who does not have ADHD. Does this mean that people with ADHD should not drive cars? Not necessarily. The good news is that there are some recommended steps they can take to stay safer behind the wheel.

Why Are People With ADHD More Likely to Be Involved in Car Accidents?

In order to reduce the chance of car accident for a person with ADHD, it is important to understand why their risk is higher. It is likely because they have a hard time focusing and can be distracted easily. They are also more likely to suffer from anger and have a hard time managing their emotions, which can put them at a higher risk of road-rage related accidents.

On the other hand, some people with ADHD have a hyper-focus issue in which they focus so hard that they lose awareness of what is going on around them. This can be dangerous if they are driving and become focused on something else.

Take Medication if Appropriate

For many7 people with ADHD, the best and easiest way to deal with it is to take medication. They are available only by prescription and can have negative side effects. For these and other reasons, it is important to talk to a medical professional to find out if they are the best choice. IF so, they can help improve focus and reduce the chance of distraction.

Find Ways to Reduce Distractions

One of the main issues that drivers with ADHD experience is a difficulty staying focused on the task at hand. There is no question that driving requires concentration, which is why finding ways to reduce distractions can be important. This can involve moving all electronics to the backseat or trunk, not eating or drinking anything while driving, and not driving with animals in the vehicle.

Control and Improve Focus

Reducing distractions is important but it is also important to improve focus. The right way to do so will vary for different people. Some things that have helped some individuals includes maintaining a healthy diet, managing stress, getting enough sleep, and exercising. Learning breathing exercises to cope with stress can be particularly helpful, as can listening to music that is specifically designed to help increase focus.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney if You Are Injured in a Car Accident

If you are involved in a car accident in which someone else was at fault, then you should get a free legal consultation with a personal injury attorney. To get started, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 right away.