Uber Accident Lawyer in Ontario CA

Get Help from an Experienced Uber Accident Lawyer in Ontario CA

If you have been injured while in a rideshare vehicle then you may have a complicated personal injury case on your hand. While Ubers are not technically taxis, they act as such. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we strongly suggest you contact an Uber accident lawyer in Ontario CA sooner rather than later. Contact us at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation and we can help you understand your rights.

Which of These Reasons Was the Cause of Your Uber Accident?

As an Uber accident lawyer in Ontario CA, at Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we have seen many accidents and many causes. Just as you would with any car accident, you can find many causes. Here are some of the most common we have found with rideshare accidents.

  • Tired Drivers. While commercial drivers are not legally allowed to drive for more than eight hours in a 24-hour period, Uber does not put the same restrictions on their drivers. As a result, many drivers will work well past the point of exhaustion – which puts them in danger of causing an accident.
  • Negligent or Reckless Drivers. This can include speeding, not following signs, reckless driving, and other negligent and reckless behaviors.
  • Drivers on Prescription Drugs or Other Types of Drugs or Alcohol. An Uber driver may take drugs, medications, or painkillers just to do their job, but those very drugs could impair their driving.
  • Cars in Poor Repair. A taxi or other regulated commercial vehicle must be checked and maintained to certain standards. No such ongoing checks are done of Uber vehicles.

Whether your Uber accident was caused by one of these issues or something else entirely, we strongly suggest you contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 right away for a free legal consultation.

Call an Uber Accident Lawyer in Ontario CA Right After an Accident

If you are wondering when it is time to contact an Uber accident lawyer in Ontario CA, we have a simple answer: Right now. The longer you wait, the more evidence may be lost. We must also strongly caution against accepting any settlement offer from Uber’s insurance adjuster. The truth is that their goal is to get the case handled as quickly as possible while paying out as little as possible. Your goal is likely to get the compensation you are owed. We are on your side and standing by to help.

Call Us Today for a Free Consultation with an Uber Accident Lawyer in Ontario CA

There is no reason to wait: Contact an Uber accident lawyer in Ontario CA today. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we are standing by to provide you with a free legal consultation. We can go over the facts, consider your evidence, and give you an honest assessment of your options. Call us now at 909-982-0707 to get started.