Ontario CA Dog Bite Injury Lawyer

Secure all the types of compensation you may be entitled to with help from a dog bite injury lawyer in Ontario CA

Ontario CA Dog Bite Injury LawyerBecause dogs tend to shake and rip as they bite, being attacked by a dog has the potential to cause extreme pain and trauma and leave disfiguring injuries. You absolutely must have an experienced dog bite injury lawyer in Ontario CA–not just any personal injury attorney–on your side if you want to prove the full extent of your pain and suffering and receive the compensation you deserve. Fernando D. Vargas will work hard to make sure you receive full and fair compensation. This may include:

  • Current medical expenses
  • Future expenses including plastic surgery
  • Permanent scarring or disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Psychological trauma
  • Lost wages
  • Bystander pain and suffering

The Right Legal Strategy for Your Case

As a skilled dog bite injury lawyer in Ontario CA, Fernando D. Vargas has a detailed understanding of the many different laws and statutes that can affect liability for your injuries. Here is a basic overview of the different options that may come into play in your case. You can trust Fernando D. Vargas to choose the one that will create the strongest case for compensation.

  • California Dog Bite Statutes: Most dog bite cases can be successfully litigated under California Civil Code 3342 and 3342.5, which place strict liability on dog owners for any injuries their pets may cause, regardless of whether the dog was known or suspected to be dangerous.
  • Common Law Liability: In some cases, it may be possible to build a case for compensation using the theory of common law liability. This can provide relief for individuals who may have been bitten while trespassing, so long as it can be proven that the owner knew or should have known that the dog was dangerous.
  • Local Ordinances: In some cities, local ordinances open up the potential for an Ontario CA dog bite injury lawyer to explore additional areas of recovery. For example, in Beverly Hills dog owners can be held responsible for all kinds of injuries caused by dogs, not just bites. This includes trips and falls and even property damage.
  • Premise Liability: Because landlords are responsible for ensuring their properties are free of hazards, they can be held liable for injuries resulting from their negligence in allowing a dangerous animal to remain on the premises. Landlord liability can provide a very helpful strategy in cases where the dog’s owner may not have insurance or the resources to provide you with compensation on their own.

Hire Your Ontario CA Dog Bite Injury Lawyer Now

Are you ready to learn how much your case might be worth? Schedule a consultation with experienced Ontario CA dog bite injury lawyer Fernando D. Vargas now. The first appointment is free, and if we take you on as a client you will not pay any legal fees until we win you a settlement.