Tractor Trailer Accident Attorney in Loma Linda CA

We will fight to maximize your compensation as your tractor trailer accident attorney in Loma Linda CA

Tractor Trailer Accident Attorney If you have been badly hurt in a tractor trailer accident, naturally you are going to need extensive–and costly–medical care. To ensure that the party who caused your accident pays their fair share of your medical bills and other damages, you need to hire an experienced tractor trailer accident attorney in Loma Linda CA like Fernando D. Vargas ASAP.

Let Attorney Vargas Help Maximize the Value of Your Claim

In order to secure maximum compensation for your injuries and suffering, a tractor trailer accident attorney in Loma Linda CA needs to deliver three things:

Proof of Liability: Proving who caused your accident is a critical first step in securing compensation for the consequences of that accident.Fernando D. Vargas can handle this task with ease as your tractor trailer accident attorney in Loma Linda CA. He knows where to look for evidence and how to use this evidence to create a compelling argument for compensation in your case.

Documentation of Damages: Your medical records will be the most important evidence of your injuries. However, medical records alone cannot communicate the full extent of your losses and damages. Fortunately, Attorney Vargas can help you create a more accurate picture of your suffering. For example, he can connect you with medical experts who can testify as to the pain and limitations you are experiencing, and how long this suffering may last. Attorney Vargas can also advise you on how to keep a personal injury diary, which will help describe the daily pain and limitations you face due to your injury. The better your documentation, the more likely you are to secure full and fair compensation for all applicable damages, such as:

  • Immediate medical costs
  • Future medical costs
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Lost income
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Loss of consortium
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Pain and suffering

Superior Negotiation Skills: It is often to the insurance company’s advantage to settle trucking accident injury claims out of court. However, this does not mean they are going to provide you with a fair offer right off the bat. Fortunately, Attorney Vargas is an experienced tractor trailer accident attorney in Loma Linda CA who knows how to negotiate effectively. You can trust Attorney Vargas to faithfully bring every offer and counteroffer to you and provide honest and professional advice on the wisdom of accepting them.

You Can Afford the Best Tractor Trailer Accident Attorney in Loma Linda CA

At The Law Office of Fernando D. Vargas, we believe every injured individual deserves the best representation from their tractor trailer accident attorney in Loma Linda CA, regardless of their present ability to pay. Rather than charging by the hour for our services, we work on a contingency fee basis. If we win your case, we will take a percentage of your compensation as our fee. If we do not win, you do not pay.

If you would like to learn more about the potential value of your case, please dial 909-982-0707 and request a free initial consultation with Attorney Vargas.