
If You Ride a Bike in California Then You Are in Danger

Despite the fact that many communities in California are rather bike-friendly, the reality is that there are a significant number of bike accidents on California roads. In fact, about 5% of all traffic fatalities throughout the state are people who were riding their bikes. Does this number startle you? It should – it’s more than twice the national average, though the numbers country-wise aren’t great either: The number of fatalities of people riding bikes has risen almost 20% over the last five years.

The most serious injuries may occur with rapid deceleration

According to studies, the most serious bike accident injuries are typically caused when a bike rider is quickly decelerating. The cyclist’s brain can actually hit the inside of their skull, which can lead to serious brain injuries. In some cases, spinal cord injuries, skull fractures, and internal injuries can occur as well. As a result, experts recommend that those on bikes try to slow down incrementally when possible.

Other factors that can affect bike injuries

Of course, there are many factors that can affect the type of injuries sustained during a bicycle accident. The speed of the bike and the speed of the car at the time of collision are big factors. If the bike rider was wearing a helmet, this can significantly reduce the risk of serious injuries as well.

In fact, one study showed that cyclists who strike their heads after stopping quickly experience an average speed of 13.4 miles per hour at the time of impact. As we mentioned, helmets can help but at speeds that high, they likely won’t be enough to completely prevent an injury. Note that helmets actually serve several purposes, including preventing the fracture of bones when a bicyclist gets into an accident with a vehicle or when they fall on the ground.

Potential long-term consequences of a bike accident

When a person is struck by a car or truck while riding their bike, they can experience long-lasting consequences that far exceed not being able to ride their bike. They may need physical therapy, they may require numerous surgeries, and they may have to take expensive medications. For bike riders who get to work on their bike, they may find that they’re spending a lot more on transportation.

Of course, no matter how much your costs may rise as a result of a bike accident, there may be help out there for you. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we’ve worked with many bike accident victims. A personal injury case could result in compensation for your medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and more. To find out more about your options, and to get your free case evaluation, call us today at 909-982-0707.