
Request a Free Legal Consultation Regarding Your Burn Injury in California

Have you suffered a burn injury? Have you lost a loved one due to a burn injury? If you answered “Yes” to either of these questions, then you may be eligible for compensation. We know that you’re dealing with a traumatizing time right now and you don’t want to go through meeting after meeting just to find out what your options are. That’s why Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas offers a free legal consultation.

We can evaluate your situation and give you the information you need to make the most informed decision about your options. If you decide to move forward with your case, then we will take it on a contingency basis. This means you pay nothing upfront and our fee comes out of your settlement. It’s a way to move forward even if you don’t have the funds to pay for an attorney out of pocket. Call us at 909-982-0707 to get started.

The number of burn victims is staggering

Many people don’t realize just how common burns are. According to the National Institutes of Health, millions of people need medical attention due to a burn every year. They have found that 50,000 of those require hospitalization. About 15,000 people die from burn injuries each year, or from complications that can come with them, such as infections.

The most common cause of burns

It’s likely not a surprise that the most common way a person gets a burn is via fire. However, there are many other types of burns too. For example, radiation and chemicals can both cause burns. An explosion can lead to burns. Often times, a burn comes along with other injures, such as brain injury, injury to the spinal cord, or the need to amputate a limb.

The four degrees of burns

There are four degrees of burns, with first-degree burns involving only the top layer of skin, second-degree burns involving the top layer of skin and the layers directly under it (papillary and reticular), third-degree burns that involve burns throughout the skin, and fourth-degree burns that go all the way down to the muscle and / or bone.

First-degree burns are the least serious but they can still lead to significant pain and long-term medical needs. Fourth-degree burns are the most serious and are the most likely to involve amputation, though third-degree burns often do as well, and often lead to death.

If someone else was responsible for your burn then you deserve justice

At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we’ve been working with accident victims for nearly 20 years. We know how traumatizing, painful, and expensive a burn can be. We can help you get the compensation you deserve to cover your medical bills, lost wages, damage to your property, etc. We can also work to get you compensation for your pain and suffering.

Nothing can erase the burn from having happened in the first place, but we can work to get you the justice – and the funds – you’re entitled to. Reach out to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 today for a free legal consultation.