
Recovering from a Brain Injury is Costly: Learn How an Attorney Can Cut Your Out of Pocket Expenses

There’s nothing fast, cheap, or easy about recovering from a traumatic brain injury. This is a time that’s frustrating for everyone, and at Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we don’t want those who’ve been injured to also have to worry about their finances. Depending on the specifics of your accident, you may be eligible for damages. To learn more, read on or call us at 909-982-0707 to request a free legal consultation.

Brain injuries don’t come with guarantees

Not only is the process of recovering from a brain injury a long and hard one, but there’s no guarantee that the result will be a total restoration to function and ability. The cost of recovery can easily climb up over $200,000 and in some cases can cost millions of dollars. It’s almost never the case that an insurance company will willingly cover all of these costs.

The above doesn’t even consider those noneconomic damages that can be just as difficult. We are talking about pain and suffering and ongoing mental health symptoms. Then there are the long-term costs, including lost wages, lowered salaries in the future, the cost of modifications for your home and a wheelchair.

We know that these expenses can seem never ending. We know that it can be frustrating and overwhelming. That’s why we urge you to reach out to a personal injury attorney who may be able to help you. When you call us at 909-982-0707, we can get the basic information of your case and let you know if you qualify to file a personal injury case.

The cost of long-term recovery from a brain injury

The first medical cost for a brain injury is likely to be the cost of emergency services. That can include hospital stays, surgeries, and more. Recovery brings with it another long list of people who need to be paid. They include nurses, physicians, speech therapists, neurologists, in-home nurses, psychologists, occupational therapists, and psychiatrists.

Paying for all of this can very quickly exhaust anything received in a typical insurance settlement. If this happens, you may be without options. That’s why you should always speak to an attorney before you agree to an insurance settlement. We will get experts to show exactly how much the long-term estimates are and will work tirelessly to get you what you need.

There is no cost to filing a lawsuit when you work with us

One of the reasons that people decide not to work with an attorney is because they assume that it will be costly. We understand that when you’re already struggling financially, the last thing you want to do is take on the expense of an attorney.

The good news is that Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas not only offers you a free consultation, but we take cases on a contingency basis. This means that you pay us out of your eventual settlement. There are no upfront costs and no risk to you. If for any reason we’re not able to win your case, then we don’t get paid. Call us today at 909-982-0707 to learn more about your options.