
Personal Injury Cases Are Much More Likely to Be Settled Than Go to Court

The majority of personal injury cases filed in California do not proceed to trial. In reality, nine out of 10 disputes are settled without the need for a court appearance. This is, however, a general figure, and the specifics of every case will differ depending on the sort of claim made, who is involved, and the evidence available.

While each case is unique, one thing is certain: if you have been harmed in a vehicle accident, you should get legal advice from a personal injury attorney for a free consultation.

Taking a closer look at certain figures

Let’s take a look at automobile accident instances with more than $25,000 in damages to get a better sense. Each year, more than 30,000 of these instances occur in California. Every year, the courts hear around 700 significant motor vehicle cases, with jury and bench trials almost evenly split. What exactly does this imply? It implies that just around 2% of automobile accident lawsuits in California go to trial.

It can also differ by area. For example, in Contra Costa County, less than 1% of cases proceed to trial, but in Sacramento County, over 6% of automobile accident cases go to trial. However, throughout the state as a whole, the average is around 2%.

Less costly incidents are harder to trace

Accidents involving less than $25,000 in damages are not tracked by the state. “Limited civil” suits are what they’re called. The state also does not keep track of accident cases that wind up in small claims court and are settled there. There are no attorneys present in such incidents, which result in damages of less than $10,000.

The state, on the other hand, provides information on the total number of instances. When it comes to a restricted civil lawsuit, an average of 8% of the time is spent on trial. Only around 2% of those were jury trials, while 98 percent were judge trials. Small claims lawsuits account for 57% of all cases that proceed to trial.

What happens if a case isn’t taken to trial?

There is a high possibility that if you are in an accident and file a personal injury claim, your case will not proceed to trial. Due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, cases may be dismissed. Cases can be settled if both parties agree to a settlement, in which case the lawsuit is dismissed.

Working with an attorney who is not just competent at trial but also a savvy negotiator is critical. Given the likelihood that you will not go to trial, you need an attorney who will battle for you from the moment you make contact with the defendant and their counsel. Call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation with one of these attorneys.