
Were You Hurt in a Car Accident and Don’t Have Health Insurance?

If you are involved in a car accident and get injured, you know that the bills can pile up quickly. Health insurance helps many pay those bills, but not everyone has insurance – and even some who do, don’t have insurance that’s sufficient to cover their injuries.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, truck accident, pedestrian accident, or other type of accident and you don’t have health insurance, read on to learn more about your options. Once you understand them, you can call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 to set up your free case evaluation.

Your auto insurance may pay for your medical expenses

If you don’t have health insurance and are involved in an auto accident, then your auto insurance company may pay some or all of your medical bills. This would be covered under the medical payment coverage listed on your policy. Are you not sure what it is covered? Then reach out to a personal injury attorney and we can help you.

A personal injury lien may be available to you

Many health care providers are willing to defer their bills until you’ve settled your personal injury claim. We can help you find the right providers who will offer this treatment. This is known as “lien based treatment” and it’s a unique payment system that has three steps.

  1. You start working with a personal injury firm who can help you find healthcare providers who will work with you. This may include different types of practitioners, depending on the nature and extent of your injuries.
  2. We will help you work out a system under which you’re not responsible for medical bills until your case is settlement.
  3. When your case is settled and funds are received, we will pay your outstanding bills out of the settlement.

Not everyone is eligible for this type of lien based treatment but you may be. Your next step is to contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for your free consultation.

There are many reasons to seek medical treatment as soon as possible

Of course, you want to seek treatment because you want to put an end to any pain you’re feeling and you want to ensure that minor injuries don’t turn into major injuries. However, there are other reasons to seek medical help. For example, if you want to be successful in your personal injury claim, then you’ll need to prove your injuries. We will need copies of doctor’s past treatments and future treatment plans to prove our case.

Do you have questions about the importance of seeking medical treatment? Or are you not sure how to get the help that you need? Then give Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas a call. We are ready to provide a free case evaluation and to offer you support as you move forward.