
GPS Can Keep You Safer on the Road but Only if You Follow These Tips

GPS can be a great way to safely get to your destination but without following the right safety tips, it can actually make the roads more dangerous. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we’ve seen plenty of car, truck, and motorcycle accidents that could have been prevented if the parties involved were paying attention to the road and following these GPS tips.

Set your destination before you leave

If you’re trying to program your GPS device or phone with your destination while you’re driving, then you can already see that you’re putting yourself and other drivers in danger. Before you pull out of your driveway, take a moment to plug in your destination and to look over the directions so you’ll have a general idea of where you’re going.

Use voice controls

No matter what type of GPS device you’re using, whether it’s on your phone or installed in your vehicle, if it includes voice controls then we suggest you use them. The best systems will not only tell you when to turn but will give you plenty of time to change lanes and slow down. When you use voice controls, you don’t have to take your eyes off the street to look at your device.

Let your passengers help

If you don’t have a GPS device that uses voice controls, ask a passenger in your car to help. You can plug in the address, go over the general directions, and then simply ask a passenger to keep an eye on the directions to make sure you’re on the right track.

Understand the limits of GPS

No GPS system is perfect. You do want to follow them but you also need to keep an eye on the road and use common sense. Follow traffic signs, don’t go down a street that’s been closed, and make sure you’re always paying attention to what’s going on in front of you.

Above all else: Keep your eyes on the road

No matter what, make sure that your GPS device doesn’t cause you to lost track of what’s going on in the roads you’re driving. They can help you get to your destination quicker and more easily – but this will be negated if you end up in an accident because you were staring at your GPS device instead of looking at the road.

Were you involved in an accident with a distracted driver?

Were you involved in an auto accident with a driver who was texting, staring at their GPS, or otherwise distracted? If the accident was completely their fault or partially their fault, then you may have a personal injury case. You may be able to recover compensation for your medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and more. Call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 today to get a free case evaluation.