
Following These Tips to Drive Defensively Can Help You Avoid a Car Accident

Driving as safely as possible can help reduce your chance of being involved in a car accident. Few people would purposely drive unsafely, but many people do not realize what they should do to be safe. Keep reading to check out some tips to help you drive defensively. Then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 if you are involved in a car accident and require legal help.

Be Alert

The most important thing you can do to drive as defensively as possible is to pay attention to your surroundings at all times. Check your side mirrors. Check your rearview mirrors. Scan the road ahead. If you see a driver that is speeding, driving aggressively, or swerving, slow down or change lanes to stay away from them. You can also take the next exit and call the police if the driving is particularly erratic.

Make Sure Safety is Your Priority

It is common for a person to get into their car and be so focused on not getting lost, on getting to their destination on time, or other factors, that they forget that the number one priority when driving should be to stay safe. When you keep this in the forefront of your mind, it is much easier to follow this tip.

Assume the Worst from Other Drivers

Even if you are generally an optimist who assumes the best from others, you cannot do this when you are driving. You should assume that other drivers are unlikely to make wise decisions. For example, if a light turns green, do not go without first looking both ways to make sure that no one is running through a red light.

Follow at a Safe Distance

One of the most common accident types in California and throughout the country is the rear-end accident. If you are driving behind someone, it is important to leave enough room that you could safely stop if they were to slam on their brakes. If there are weather issues, such as rain, snow, fog, or the sun in your eyes, then you should leave even more room.

Always Have an Escape Route

You should always know how you will get out of a situation if necessary. For example, if you are driving down the highway and there is a lot of traffic, stick to the right lane so that you can easily move to the shoulder or exit the highway altogether if there is danger. You want to avoid getting boxed in between numerous vehicles.

If you have already been involved in a car accident, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 to find out how we can help. We are standing by to find the best possible outcome for your case.