
Five Tips to Help Keep Seniors Safer on California Roads

Taking away a senior citizen’s right to drive can feel to them as though you are taking away their freedom altogether. This is why it is so important to help them drive as safely as they can so that they can maintain their right to drive. Read on to learn about five tips that can help prevent car accidents and keep seniors on the roads longer. If they are involved in a car accident, they can contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

  1. Do Not Drive at Night
  2. The average person’s eyesight weakens as they age. The first sign of weakening eyesight is that they have trouble seeing at night. If seniors simply did not drive at night, they could significantly decrease their chance of being involved in an accident, not only because of eyesight issues but because they are also more likely to be driving while fatigued at night.
  3. Pay Extra Attention to Surroundings
  4. Younger people naturally have faster reaction times than older people do. This is why seniors must keep an eye on potential hazards so they are ready to react to them. Scan the traffic around you, the sidewalks, and the cross streets so that you are aware of everything around you that could potentially become an issue.
  5. Get Rid of Distractions
  6. This is a tip that people of all ages and generations could stand to hear: Keep distractions to a minimum. While no one should be on their phone texting or looking at maps while they are driving, seniors tend to be less familiar with technology than younger drivers. As a result, they can have an even harder time trying to take a phone call or using GPS. These types of distractions can be deadly.
  7. Stay Away from Heavy Traffic
  8. It might seem impossible to stay away from heavy traffic in Southern California, but if you are flexible in the hours you drive and stick to side streets, you will have a lower risk of being involved in a car accident. These roads also have lower speed limits, so if you are involved in an accident the consequences are likely to be much lower.
  9. Take a Course for Mature Drivers
  10. Many community centers have mature driver courses that can help refresh you on safe driving practices, can ensure you are up to date on recent changes to laws, and can otherwise help keep you safe. Once again, people of all ages and generations could certainly benefit from ongoing driving courses.

If you are involved in an accident, make sure you call for help as soon as possible. Your local personal injury attorney can be reached at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.