
If you have suffered a head injury in an accident, make sure you get an attorney who understands the long-term effects.

Concussions Can Cause Lasting DamageSome concussion injuries are so mild the victim may not even lose consciousness. However, the fact remains that any kind of concussion injury is considered a traumatic brain injury and has the potential to bring serious consequences. New research on athletes with a history of severe or repeated concussions is helping to show just how serious and how long-term these consequences may be.

According to research conducted by Canadian neuropsychologist Dr. Maryse Lassonde, even when the more noticeable symptoms of a serious concussion have abated, the brain has not necessarily returned to a perfectly normal state.

Dr. Lassonde showed this by giving visual and auditory tests to Montreal Canadiens hockey team members with histories of serious concussion injuries. When she tested their brain chemistry, she discovered that abnormal brain wave activity and partial wasting of the motor pathways were present for years after the injury should have healed. These issues are linked to significant attention problems including memory decline.

This is not the first or only research to show that concussions can cause lasting damage. Looking at older athletes whose last concussion was 30 years ago or more, researchers have found symptoms similar to early Parkinson’s disease as well as memory and attention deficits. Individuals with old concussion injuries have also been shown to have certain abnormal brain proteins and thinning of a particular part of the cortex—two issues also associated with Alzheimer’s.

Accounting for Short Term and Long Term Effects of Concussion

There are many possible ways to end up with an accidental concussion injury. The most common scenarios include a blow to the head suffered in a slip and fall accident, a pedestrian accident, or a car accident. If you have received a concussion injury in such an accident, and the accident was not your fault, you may be able to secure compensation for your injury.

If you do decide to move forward with a personal injury lawsuit, it will be essential to prove, with expert testimony, the current and future impact of the injury on your life. This will ensure you get full and fair compensation, not only for your pain and suffering, medical bills, and lost wages during the initial recovery period following the injury, but also for the long-term effects that new research is bringing to light, such as declining memory and attention span.

Fortunately, you can secure an expert advocate for your position by calling the Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas. Attorney Vargas keeps up with the latest developments in this area of personal injury case law, and he also maintains a network of medical experts that he can turn to for help proving the extent of your suffering. Call 909-982-0707 now to set up your free initial consultation with Attorney Vargas.