
Drivers who commit errors out of recklessness or negligence may be held responsible for any accidents and injuries they cause.

According to the National Highway Safety Administration, the overall number of passenger injuries in motor vehicle accidents is declining—preliminary data shows a drop of 2 percent from 2012 to 2013. However, there were still about 3.8 million injuries requiring medical attention in 2013.

Auto AccidentWhile some accidents may be caused by external conditions such as weather, road conditions, and traffic signal malfunctions, the vast majority of accidents can be traced to driver error. In such cases, it may be possible to hold the driver who caused the accident responsible for their recklessness or negligence via a personal injury claim.

Here are some of the top causes of driver error that could lead to liability for auto accident injuries.


Failing to maintain a safe distance between cars is a common cause of rear end accidents. Unfortunately, in the stop and go traffic of LA streets and freeways it can be very tempting to follow too close to keep other cars from cutting you off.

Illegal Turns

Making an illegal turn in the moments prior to an accident can also create liability for any injuries that may occur. For example, if a driver fails to signal before changing lanes or turns right on red in violation of a posted sign, causing another driver to hit them, the driver who made the illegal turn would likely be held at least partially responsible for the accident.


Violating a speed limit is another common driving mistake. Speeding is especially dangerous in areas where pedestrians are present, as the faster a vehicle is moving when it strikes a pedestrian the greater the chances of increasingly serious injury.

Distracted Driving

Any activity that takes attention away from the road has the potential to cause an accident. It is important to realize that distractions are not just visual but can also be manual or cognitive. A driver can be distracted even while looking straight ahead if their hands are not on the wheel or their attention is not on the road. Common examples of distracted driving include texting, eating, grooming, and even reading a map or using a GPS.

What to Do After an Accident Caused by Driver Error

If you have been involved in an accident with a driver that has made any of the above errors or otherwise behaved recklessly or negligently, be sure to report the accident to the police so that the process of officially determining liability can begin. After calling the police and 911 to report injuries, your next call should be to a skilled auto accident injury attorney like Fernando D. Vargas.