
Can You Guess What Behaviors Are Most Likely to Cause Car Accidents in Southern California?

Most people in Southern California know that our drivers are known as some of the worst in the country. Unfortunately, the statistics back this up – four of the states with the highest rates of car accidents are located within California. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we are always here to offer support and legal representation to victims of accidents. Call us at 909-982-0707 to get a free legal consultation. In the meantime, read on to find out some of the most likely causes of car accidents.


Speeding is against the law but that does not mean that California drivers do not speed. Quite the contrary. Many people do not realize that not only can they not legally drive over the posted speed limit, but in inclement weather or other traffic issues, they may be required to drive even slower than the posted limit. Regardless of these laws, speeding is involved in more than 50% of fatal car accidents throughout the country.

Drunk or drugged driving

There is no shortage of public awareness campaigns to try and teach drivers that they should never get behind the wheel if they have been drinking or doing drugs. In the state of California, most California drivers cannot drive if their blood alcohol limit is more than 0.08. If they are a commercial driver then their limit is 0.04. If they are not yet 21 then there is a zero-tolerance policy and they cannot legally drive with any alcohol in their system. Despite these rules, drunk driving accidents take lives every day.

Ignoring the need for lead time

It is unsafe to drive too close to the vehicle in front of you. Not only that, but it is against the law to not leave a reasonable distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. Any driver who does not follow these laws is greatly increasing their risk of causing a rear-end collision. The better, safer way to drive is to assure that there is enough room between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you for you to make a sudden stop.

Distracted driving

This is another cause of car accidents that most people have heard over and over again not to do – texting while driving or otherwise driving while distracted. However, despite ever increasingly strict laws, California drivers cause accidents every day by using their phones.

Not signaling when turning or changing lanes

Using turn signals is more than smart – it is required by law. Whenever a vehicle is changing lanes, turning, or entering a lane via entrance ramp, they must use their turn signals. Failing to do so can yield a moving violation infraction and it can be a cause of an accident.