
These Are Five of the Reasons It Can Pay to Work with a Rancho Cucamonga CA Personal Injury Attorney

You may believe you have a strong case for compensation if you were wounded in an accident that was not your fault. Indeed, it may appear so obvious that you are unable to comprehend how engaging a personal injury attorney to defend you may benefit your case.

Although you are theoretically permitted to continue pro se, or without legal representation, engaging an experienced personal injury attorney will help your case move much more easily and will almost certainly result in a greater settlement. Why? Because a personal injury attorney is likely to be able to accomplish the following five things that you are unlikely to be able to achieve. Read on to learn more and then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

Identify and Prove Important Facts

While showing the type and degree of your damage is critical, it is not the only fact that must be shown in order to win your personal injury case. You must also establish culpability for your injuries, which can be a difficult procedure owing to the legal considerations involved. You may not know what evidence must be proved in order to show culpability and win your case as a layperson, but your attorney will.

Negotiate a Fair Settlement

Negotiating a fair settlement is nearly always preferable to the delays and headaches of going to trial—assuming the settlement is fair, of course. While you may not know what to anticipate from your case, your attorney will be aware of the range of compensation that might be suitable in a settlement based on the facts of your case. They will be able to hold hard for a fair settlement or, if necessary, go to trial.

Meet Critical Deadlines

You will not be able to get reasonable compensation for your injuries if you miss important deadlines for submitting your case. Do not take chances—hire a personal injury lawyer who understands what actions to take and when to take them.

Avoid Unfavorable Removal

If a huge business caused your accident, they may want to have your case transferred from state court to federal court, where defendants in personal injury cases are often treated more favorably. You can fight this with the help of an expert personal injury lawyer.

Respond to the Other Side

Even if you choose to represent yourself, the person who caused your harm is virtually certain to have hired an attorney. Their lawyer will undoubtedly try to use every legal tool at their disposal to assist their client. You will need to know the laws of civil process, legal evidentiary requirements, and more in order to fight back. It is considerably simpler to employ a personal injury attorney than it is to read a whole law library on your own.

Fernando D. Vargas offers no-risk representation

Remember that if Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas accepts you as a client, you will receive outstanding counsel with no upfront fees. In fact, you will not have to pay anything until Attorney Vargas wins your case. Call us now at 909-982-0707 to get started.