
What You Need to Know About Facebook Privacy Settings and Your Personal Injury Case

There is a wealth of information out in the world about how Facebook privacy settings might not be as private as you think they are. When it comes to personal injury cases, it is essential for you to know what your rights are and what your best options are. Keep reading to get the details and then reach out to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 to request a free legal consultation.

Posting Anything on Social Media Can Have a Detrimental Impact

It is essential to understand that if you post anything on Facebook or other social media accounts, it could be used against you in a personal injury case. Do not assume that if you simply do not post about the accident that you will be okay. The fact of the matter is that they could use just about anything against you.

Consider Methods to Prove Cases in the Past

To understand how your social media posts could affect your case, think about how insurance companies would win their cases in the past: They would often hire private investigators to show that the injury was not as serious as the plaintiff claimed. For example, they might drop a $50 dollar bill on the sidewalk in front of the injured party and if said party bent down to pick it up, they could use that as evidence that their injury was not serious.

The same can be done if you post on social media. Let us say you post that you and a friend went out to dinner. This seems innocent, right? If there is a picture of you sitting in a booth and you have a back injury, the defense might argue that your back injury must not be as bad as you say or you would not be able to sit in a booth. They might even argue that if you were really in pain, you would not have left the house.

Do Not Assume That Your Facebook Posts Are Private

You might read all of that and think that as long as you only post to friends and close family, you will not be in danger. This is not necessarily true. In some cases, a judge might require that you show any posts you have made. If you then try to delete anything questionable, you could be found in contempt of court for destroying evidence.

As you can see, it is easier to simply stay off of social media until your case is resolved. This might seem like a pain but remember that more than 95% of cases are settled without going to court. Choose the right personal injury attorney and your case could be settled faster than you think. Contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 now to request a free legal consultation.