
Work with a Personal Injury Attorney Who Knows the Long-Term Costs of Catastrophic Injuries Like Paralysis

If you have suffered a catastrophic injury such as paralysis, and the injury was at least partially due to another party acting recklessly or negligently, then you may have a personal injury claim. This requires the help of a personal injury attorney who is experienced not just in personal injury claims but in your specific type of claim. You have found that attorney in Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas. Call us now for a free legal consultation.

Paralysis Most Often Occurs as a Result of a Spinal Cord Injury

Though there are numerous ways in which a person can become paralyzed, spinal cord injuries are the most common culprit. This often happens in car accidents when there is an injury to the spinal column. This can damage or completely sever the nerves within the spin, which leads to paralysis. There are of course varying levels of paralysis, some of which require more medical care than others.

The High Lifetime Costs of Paralysis

When a person is paralyzed, they are likely to face very high lifetime costs associated with their injury. They may need ongoing therapy perhaps for the rest of their life. They may need numerous surgeries to correct or repair the injury. Additionally, there may be other costs such as necessary modifications to homes and vehicles, as well as lost income.

The Long-Term Cost Will depend Largely on the Location of the Injury and How Serious it Is

You need an attorney who understands that the type of paralysis a person experiences, along with where the trauma was located and how serious the injury was, will greatly affect the long-term cost of this injury. In short, no two cases are the same and you need a lawyer who will act accordingly.

For example, a person who has nerve damage on the upper portion of the spinal cord could suffer from quadriplegia, which means that neither their arms nor their legs function. On the other hand, if the injury is in the lower part of the spinal cord, the person is more likely to suffer from paraplegia, which affects the lower extremities exclusively.

Finally, consider that it is not just medical issues like mobility problems that can affect a person’s quality of life – other potential complications include issues with bladder and bowel function, sexual issues, and ongoing pain – even pain in the limbs that no longer have feeling in them.

We Understand Your Unique Needs: Call Us Today!

At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we understand the unique needs you have. We are standing by to carefully consider your case and determine a realistic financial amount that could help you move forward with your life. Nothing can take back what happened but we can help you find closure and financial stability. Call now at 909-982-0707 to get started.