Month: January 2015

Avoid Swimming Pool Injuries This Summer

Follow these tips to help prevent accidents at the pool. Just about everyone loves to hit the pool on a hot summer’s day. Many California families have their own pools and the kids will practically live out there all summer long. Unfortunately, swimming pools can be...

Can You Sue a Good Samaritan?

Understanding the updated version of our state’s Good Samaritan Law. You have been in an accident. Wishing to be a “Good Samaritan,” a passerby attempts to help you and accidentally worsens your injuries or causes new injuries. Can you sue them? In most cases, the...

Alcohol and Injuries

Intoxication can contribute to liability for an accident, but in California bars are not liable for making you intoxicated. In some states, laws known as “dram shop laws” make bars, clubs, and other venues that serve alcohol strictly liable for injuries and accidents...