
Which of These Common Car Accident Causes was Involved in Your Recent Accident?

Every day, car accidents occur across the country – and in the state of California. Some are unexpected events that no one could have predicted, while others are more predictable. Whether you think you know the top six reasons for vehicle accidents in the United States, keep reading to see if you are correct. Call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation if you have been injured in an automobile accident.

Failing to stop at a red light

Do you come to a complete stop while approaching a red light with the intention of turning right? Many individuals are not aware of this. Slowing down is not enough; the law demands that you come to a complete halt. Look to your left to check if there are any approaching cars, and to your right to see if there are any pedestrians or bikers on the road ahead of you.

Falling asleep at the wheel

Drowsy driving is said to be responsible for around 7% of all automobile accidents and roughly a quarter of all fatal car accidents, according to studies. According to a poll, over 40% of adults admitted to falling asleep while driving at least once in their lives, with more than 10% admitting to falling asleep behind the wheel in the previous year. According to experts, the problem stems from people’s inability to accurately assess how fatigued they are.

Turning when there is not a clear view

It has happened to almost everyone: you need to turn left, but something is blocking your vision. About 12% of collisions occur when a driver goes forward without being able to see what is in front of them clearly. This serves as an excellent reminder to check your vision before turning. If you cannot see, back up and look for another direction to turn.

Being hit from behind

An automobile hitting the car in front of it causes about one-quarter of all car accidents. This might be the result of a motorist being too close to the car in front of them. According to research, rushing and driving faster saves just 26 seconds each day on average. Is a vehicle accident worth it? To stay a lot safer, give the automobile in front of you a bit more room.

Driving while distracted

Do you keep your eyes on the road the entire time you are driving? If you take your eyes off the road to read a text, check your email, listen to the radio, or do anything else, you are increasing your chances of getting involved in an accident.

Aggressive driving

It is not a good idea to try to pass a car when you are not sure you have enough room. It is not a smart idea to drive through a red light. Take a breath, relax, and arrive safely at your destination. It is not worth getting into an accident, no matter how upset you are with traffic.