
What Are the Best Ways to Reduce Motorcycle Accidents?

When you consider that 15% of all fatal traffic accidents involve a motorcycle then you can easily see how serious this issue is. Especially when you take into consideration that motorcycles are not 15% of the vehicles on the road. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we think one death on the road is too many and we are here to present some ideas on how to reduce these accidents. Call us at 909-982-0707 if you have questions or want a free legal consultation.

Car drivers are likely to blame motorcyclists but the truth is not that simple

When a car and a motorcycle collide, it is common for the driver to say that the person on the motorcycle was at fault. They will often do this by saying that the motorcycle rider was not being safe, was splitting lanes, or was weaving in and out of traffic. Many drivers even believe that a motorcyclist cannot ride safely because their bikes are so unsafe.

The reality is that motorcycles do have much less protection when compared to cars and trucks. It is also true that a person who rides a motorcycle is taking on more risk than a person who drives car. None of that means that it is always a motorcyclist’s fault if they are involved in an accident.

Sharing the road safely is essential

Both car drivers and motorcycle riders can work to better share the road. It is both of their responsibility’s. Bike riders can wear protective gear that makes them more visible to drivers on the road. Bike riders can take extra care to be aware of their surroundings. For their part, a car driver can be especially careful when making left hand turns, as these are one of the biggest risk factors in car / motorcycle accidents.

Drivers of cars must remember that a motorcycle is just like a car or truck in that it has both the same rights and responsibilities on the road. If the motorcycle is driving straight then it has the right of away against a car driver who is turning left in front of them.

Buffer zones are essential

One of the biggest things anyone on the road can do is to ensure there is a buffer zone between them and the vehicles around them. This is especially true of motorcycles and cars. Motorcycles can stop much more quickly than a car so if they do stop suddenly and a car is following too closely, a rear-end accident can occur. As a car driver, remember that the motorcycles on the road are entitled to an entire lane – do not try to share lanes with them.

These are just a few of the steps that can be taken to reduce the number of motorcycle accidents and fatalities. If you are worried about an accident you were involved in and believe that you may be owed for your damages then we encourage you to contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.