
Uncover the Truth: The Top Three Causes of Truck Accidents in California

As a truck accident attorney who has handled many cases, we find that many people are surprised to learn about some of the most common causes of truck accidents in California. Keep reading to learn the top three causes and then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

  1. Problems with Trucking Equipment
  2. This is “only” a problem in about one in ten truck accidents, but it is all too common. Issues with mechanical components can occur in many ways, but the most common are failures or malfunctioning of the brakes or tires. If the brakes give out with no obvious reason, this is likely not anyone’s fault. However, if the brakes were faulty, were poorly maintained, or were not installed correctly, then there could be an at-fault party in the brake manufacturer or mechanic.
  3. Safety Violations
  4. Another common cause of truck accidents is safety violations. This could include breaking any of the policies that have been put into place to keep cars and truck drivers safer on the roads. For example, truck drivers can only work a certain number of hours within seven days and within eight days. They cannot work for more than a certain number of hours per day. If these rules are broken, or if other safety violations take place, such as drunk driving, speeding, improper cargo loading, or not inspecting the vehicle pre-trip, then there are a number of parties that could potentially be found at fault.
  5. Driver Error
  6. Most truck accidents are caused by driver error. Truck drivers as a whole tend to be safer than average drivers, in part because their financial futures depend on it. However, due to how many hours they spend behind the wheel, errors can occur. These could include driving faster than the road conditions safely allow, taking their eyes from the road, illegal driving maneuvers, or following vehicles in front of them too closely.

Talk to a Personal Injury Attorney if You Have Been Injured in a Truck Accident

If you are involved in a truck accident and believe that another party is at fault, then you should contact a personal injury attorney. When you reach out to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707, we can assess your case and determine the best way forward. Depending on the situation, this might involve negotiating for the best possible settlement or taking the case to court.

We invite you to call us now to request your free legal consultation and find out what your legal options are.