
True or False: Women Are More Distracted When Driving Then Men Are

If you had to guess, who would you say are more likely to be distracted while driving – men or women? Or do you think they likely have rates of distracted driving that are about the same? According to one study, women are more likely to drive while distracted. Read on to find out more about the study, how it was conducted, how it was analyzed, and what it means.

If you have been the victim of a distracted driver, whether they were male or female, and have suffered injuries then we recommend that you contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation. We are here to help you through the long-term effects of your car accident.

The basics of the study and its findings

The study was published in an international journal on risk analysis. It found that women are indeed more likely than men to use their cellphones while they are driving. It also showed that the more experienced a driver is, the less like they are to use their phone while driving. This may be surprising to those who assume that since female drivers have historically lower rates of car accidents then male drivers, fewer women must use their phones while driving.

The study went deeper

The researchers on the study also looked at how a driver with less inhabitation and a driver who had a bad view of driving safety laws would act while driving. As you may have guessed, they were more likely to drive while distracted. In fact, about 68% of participants said they would need to be convinced by more information to believe that it is really dangerous to text and drive. That side, it was still more likely that a driver would call someone then text them, likely because calling does not require the same visual demands.

All drivers were less likely to drive while distracted in certain situations

There were two situations in which drivers were much less likely to use their cell phones while driving: While in busy traffic and if they saw a member of law enforcement. Others said that they only used their phones when they believed they were safely stopped at a red light. That said, none of this is safe. Talking on the phone while driving makes one twice as likely to be in an accident and texting while driving increases chances of car accidents by six times.

Distracted driving is more than a nuisance – it can result in lost lives. If you have been injured due to someone being negligent and texting behind the wheel, or if you have lost a loved one due to another person driving negligently, then you need a free legal consultation from a personal injury attorney. Reach out to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation today.