
The Right Rancho Cucamonga Personal Injury Attorney Can Get You Financial Compensation That Can Take Care of Your for Years to Come

You are probably concerned about your hospital expenses, medical bills, and other financial concerns that have developed as a result of the accident, regardless of the type of accident you were involved in, whether it was a motorbike, car, truck, or bus accident – or another type of accident entirely.

Contacting a personal injury lawyer for assistance is a frequent solution, but one of the things that most surprises our clients is that you can also be reimbursed for future medical expenses in addition to past medical expenses.

Your medical expenses could cost millions of dollars

The expense of rehabilitation for severe, catastrophic injuries, like spinal cord or brain injuries, can easily run into the millions over the course of a person’s lifetime. In fact, a 25-year-old who is involved in an accident that leaves them paraplegic should anticipate paying at least $2 million over the course of their lifetime, according to research by one charity. Keep in mind that these expenses can cover the price of prescription drugs, physical therapy, hospital stays, rehabilitation, and, of course, nursing home care.

But even without a catastrophic injury, the expenses can still be high. Even seemingly minor injuries, like a soft tissue injury, might result in years’ worth of chiropractic and medical expenses. The only people who can accurately estimate the long-term cost of your injury are the professionals. Never count on an insurance provider to provide you with a reasonable settlement. Even though it is your insurance provider, keep in mind that they just have one objective: to make money. Due to this, they must make every effort to settle every case for the lowest amount feasible.

An experienced personal injury lawyer can assist you

When you deal with Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we can negotiate a settlement on your behalf with the insurance provider to cover both your immediate and future expenses. We have a team of legal experts and medical experts at our disposal who can collaborate to come up with an exact estimate of the costs related to rehabilitation.

Do not let the insurance company’s strategies influence you

You should interpret the speed with which the insurance company you are dealing with offers you a settlement as a sign that they are aware of the potential strength of your claim. They might, however, make you believe they are helping you. They can make a sizable offer—say, $100,000—and claim that it will pay for all of your previous expenses as well as emotional harm.

At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we do not simply consider your current expenses; we also consider what your future expenses will be. We accept cases on a contingency basis, which means you owe us nothing up front and we pay for all court filings, expert witnesses, etc. Call 909-982-0707 to schedule your no-cost consultation.