
Simple Adjustments that Can Help Seniors Stay Safe When Driving

When a senior citizen loses their right or ability to drive, it can be a devastating blow. Even when they have someone to drive them around whenever they want, they have lost the freedom they enjoyed when they could drive. The good news is that for many seniors, a few simple adjustments can help them stay much safer while driving.

The Stats Are Shocking

Many people do not realize just how often seniors are involved in car accidents. According to stats from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, about 600 seniors are involved in accidents around the country every single day. About 6,000 fatal car accidents occur each year that involve seniors. Making small changes can help reduce these accidents significantly.

Visiting the Doctor

Everyone should get at least an annual physical with their doctor, but this is even more important for elderly citizens. The National Institutes of Health has a senior website, which specifically notes that a senior’s checkup should include an eye exam, hearing check, and an evaluation of their medication to ensure they are not taking anything that would affect their ability to drive safely.

Occupational Therapists Can Prescribe Equipment

If a senior citizen has excellent hearing and vision, they may still have issues turning the steering wheel. If this is the only reason they have trouble driving, then an occupational therapist may be able to help them. These specialists can provide adaptive equipment to allow safe driving. Examples include spinner knobs, hand controls, left foot accelerators, reduced-effort steering systems, and others as needed.

There Are Mature Driving Classes Available

Even when a person has been driving for 50 years, they can often use a refresher course on how to stay safe. If you are a mature driver, consider taking one of these classes. They can teach you to drive defensively, to manage the changes to your vision or reaction time that can come with aging, and can otherwise help you stay safe while driving for as long as possible. You may even be eligible for a reduction in your car insurance costs if you take part in one of these courses.

Have You Been Injured in a Car Accident? Do You Know What to Do?

If you have been injured in a car accident and someone else was at fault, it does not matter your age – they should be held accountable. Depending on the accident and your damages, we may be able to ensure this happens. Contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 now to request a free legal consultation. We can listen to the facts of the case and help determine what makes the most sense for moving forward.