
Senior Drivers on California Roads: Learn How You Can Stay Safer

No one wants to give up their driving privileges as they get older but the truth is that as drivers get older, they get less safe on the roads. Read on to learn why this is, what senior drivers can do about it, and how they can stay safe on the roads. If you were involved in a car accident, be sure to reach out to a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we can even provide a free legal consultation when you call us at 909-982-0707.

Significant danger may be in play for seniors aged 70 or older

Statistics show that drivers aged 70 or more are much more likely to be involved in a fatal car accident. The highest fatality of all ages is for drivers who are 85 or older. This isn’t because our elderly drivers don’t drive well, but because they have medical issues that make them more likely to get into an accident, and health issues that can make them more likely to be injured if involved in an accident.

Age-related conditions that could lead to older drivers being less safe on the road

There are numerous conditions that the elderly are more likely to experience and many of those conditions can result in a higher chance of car accidents. These include reduced vision, decline in cognitive abilities, and a variety of physical ailments. The CDC says that older drivers do take several steps that helps to balance this. For example, they’re more likely to wear a seatbelt, and they’re more likely to only driver when road conditions are safe, compared to other drivers. Likewise, they’re very unlikely to drink and drive.

There are several steps seniors can take to stay safer on the roads

The good news is that there are a number of steps seniors can take if they want to stay as safe as possible on the roads. First, they can make sure that they get their vision checked regularly and that if their doctor suggests they don’t drive, that they follow those instructions. Next, they should make sure that they take all medications as prescribed and that the medications they take don’t affect their ability to drive. Finally, they can experience to make sure they’re as agile as possible, they can leave plenty of room between themselves and cars in front of them, and they can work to avoid distractions while driving.

Seniors are more likely to suffer serious injuries in an accident

The bad news is that the older a driver is, the more likely they are to suffer serious injuries or die in a car accident. If you have been in a car accident that was not your fault then you may have grounds for a personal injury case. If you have lost a loved one due to a car accident, then you may have grounds for a wrongful death suit. The best way to find out what your options are is to contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.