
Practicing these safe driving behaviors will help protect you from liability for car accidents

Do You Have Safe Driving Habits?No matter how safe of a driver you are, there is always the potential for another person to cause an accident that could leave you seriously injured. Does this mean you should just give up on safe driving and take your chances? Of course not.

Safe driving does more than just prevent accidents. It also helps protect you from liability in the event that an accident does occur. This is extremely important because when there is suspicion that you may have contributed to the accident and your injuries in some way, your compensation could be reduced accordingly. But by being a faultless driver, you can more easily be labeled 0 percent liable for your accident and receive 100 percent of your compensation.

Practice These Top 5 Safe Driving Habits

  1. Leave Space Between Cars. Tailgating is a top cause of rear-end accidents. It may be tempting to follow closely, especially in heavy traffic, but for your own safety you should stay about 2 to 3 seconds behind the car in front of you. This will not only help reduce your risk of having an accident if the car in front of you slams on its brakes; it can also help break up a chain reaction rear-end accident that may have been started by a car far behind you.
  2. Look Both Ways. Even when you have right of way to enter an intersection, it is still wise to look both ways and ensure the way is clear. Be especially alert for pedestrians in crosswalks and for vehicles that may be running red lights.
  3. Account for Weather Conditions. Because we seldom get heavy rains here in southern California, drivers often forget that they need to adjust to wet, slippery road conditions. To avoid hydroplaning, drive a bit slower and be careful on turns.
  4. Avoid the 4 Ds. Drinking, Drugs, Distractions, and Drowsiness are all serious risk factors for car accidents. If you cause an accident while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, not only will you likely be found liable for the accident, you may also face criminal penalties.
  5. Always Signal. Using your turn signals when changing lanes or turning off the road helps other drivers anticipate your movements and can help prevent rear-end, t-bone, and side-swipe accidents.

Injured Anyway?

Even if you have done your very best to be a consistently safe and careful driver, you could of course get into an accident that was not your fault. When this happens, you need to act quickly to document the scene of the accident and your injuries and start building a case for compensation. For expert help, call an experienced car accident injury attorney like Fernando D. Vargas immediately after your accident.