
Reduce Your Chance of Being a Victim of a Pedestrian Accident by Knowing the Hazards

How many pedestrian accident deaths are acceptable in Southern California? Most people would say that there is no such thing as an acceptable pedestrian death – yet in the last few years these deaths have risen 33%. While we cannot prevent every pedestrian accident, we can take steps to reduce individual chances of being involved in this type of accident.

Read on to learn how you can keep yourself safer when walking down the road. If you have already been injured in a pedestrian accident, then we urge you to contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 to find out what your legal options are. We will start you off with a free legal consultation.

Speeding drivers

One of the most common causes of pedestrian accidents is drivers going faster than the speed limit. California has higher speed limits than many states and we have plenty of drivers who drive even faster than that. In some cases, a speed limit sign may be missing or it may be difficult to see. As a pedestrian, do not assume that drivers know the speed limit or that they are following it. Do not cross the street if you see a car still driving full speed.

Lack of sidewalks

The safest place for you to walk is on the sidewalk. However, too many neighborhoods in the Southern California area do not have sidewalks at all. Some do have sidewalks but they are in bad condition. If you cannot walk on the sidewalk, make sure that you are walking on the side that faces traffic.

Walking in the dark

It can be very dangerous to walk in the dark. This is because drivers will have a harder time seeing you. Try not to walk at night but if you have to, use a flashlight. Wear reflective clothing. It is never a good idea for you to walk at night in dark clothing. No matter how illuminated you are, always assume that drivers cannot see you.

Lack of rules enforcement

There are rules that give California pedestrians the right-of-way in many situations. For example, if you are at a crosswalk legally crossing, then the cars must stop for you to cross. Does this mean that all cars are going to do this? No – they will not. We can have the best laws in the country but if they are not being enforced then they do no good.


While pedestrian deaths have always been too high, some say that the recent increase is due to more distracted drivers and distracted pedestrians. If you are on your phone, stop and do not walk or cross the street until you are done. You cannot keep drivers from being on their phones but you can do your part to stay alert while you are walking.

Remember: If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident then it is time to contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.