
Do You Need an MRI or an X-Ray After Your Auto Accident in California? When you’re injured in an auto accident, it’s likely you’re going to end up in an ambulance headed towards the emergency room. Once you’re there, you can expect that the medical personnel are likely to take an x-ray of any areas of your body that have injuries, like a broken bone. In the event that the injury is very serious, the folks in the emergency room may want an MRI.

These two tools are very different

Note that there is a significant difference between an MRI and an x-ray, and that they’re designed to give doctors very different information. You should also note that it’s very common for an insurance company who doesn’t want to give you fair compensation for your injuries to claim that being discharged from the hospital is the same as those working in the emergency room saying that you’re fine.

The truth is that the emergency room is there for a single reason: To treat emergencies. It’s not a place for aftercare. Most people who are discharged from the emergency room are asked to contact their physician for more tests and follow-up care. A person who’s been in a car accident often believe that if nothing showed up on the x-ray, that they’re fine. This isn’t always the case.

The limits of x-rays

In an x-ray a small amount of radiation is put through your body. It’s best for diagnosing things like broken bones or disclosed bones. On the other hand, an MRI is an image created with computers that gives doctors an incredibly detailed look at the interior of your body and at specific body structures. An MRI is often the only way to diagnose disc issue and spinal cord injuries after an accident.

Health care providers may be hesitant to order an MRI

While MRIs are useful and more success at diagnosing a host of issues than x-rays and other diagnostic equipment, sometimes medical professionals are afraid to order them early on, simply because they know that the health insurance company may choose not to reimburse you for it.

If you’re not getting better then you may need an MRI

If you were involved in an accident more than a week ago and your neck or other injury doesn’t seem to be getting better, then you may be dealing with a more serious injury than you thought. You need to seek medical advice but you can also contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas for a free personal injury consultation. We can look at the evidence and find out if you’re eligible for compensation as a result of your injuries. Call us today at 909-982-0707 to set up your free consultation.