
Myth: You Don’t Need an Attorney if Your Car Accident Injuries Are Minor

It’s common for a person to assume that personal injury lawsuits are only appropriate for car accidents in which catastrophic injuries occurred. The truth is that even if a car accident seems like no big deal, and that injuries don’t seem that serious, you may actually need to work with an attorney. Read on to learn more and then reach out to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free case evaluation.

Even if you’re planning to accept a settlement you should speak to an attorney

It’s common for a car accident with minor injuries to result in an insurance settlement rather than being taken to court. It may be true that it’s not worth the cost of court fees just to get a few hundred dollars more. In almost every case, an insurance company would much rather pay out a settlement when their insured was at fault, rather than take the case to court.

That still doesn’t mean that you should simply accept the settlement offer from the insurance company. Remember that insurance adjusters aren’t there to provide fair deals for you – they’re there to save their companies money. As a result, it’s very common for them to offer much less for your car repairs, lost wages, medical costs, and other expenses than you’re actually entitled to.

Oftentimes, the victim of a car accident accepts what they think is a good settlement only to later discover that it’s not enough to cover all the expenses related to their accident. If you’ve already settled then you won’t have recourse to take the driver or their insurance company to court. When you hire a personal injury attorney, they can negotiate a settlement that’s fair.

What seems like a minor injury today may become a serious injury in the future

Just because your injury seems minor today doesn’t mean it’s not going to have long-term consequences for you. Consider that you may return to work and discover that you can’t do everything you once did. Perhaps you’re an avid athlete and you’ll go out to play with your friends only to discover that you can’t play as you once did.

The first could require you to find a new job or career entirely, and the second would lead to a loss of enjoyment for the rest of your life. Both of these situations can be covered in a personal injury lawsuit. Don’t assume that what isn’t serious today won’t affect your life tomorrow.

There can also be complications that lead to life-long issues. For example, a person who broke their arm could end up not healing well. This could result in surgery after surgery. This could be covered by their settlement – but only if you didn’t simply take the first offer the insurance company offered.

As you can see, it’s essential to work with an attorney if you believe you have a personal injury claim. The good news is that there’s no risk in finding out what your options are. Simply call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.