
Media outcry serves as reminder not to let public opinion influence your decision to seek compensation

McDonalds coffee leads to personal injury lawsuitMany people remember the huge media outcry that followed the famous 1994 lawsuit brought against McDonald’s by a woman who was injured by a cup of hot coffee. In that case, the woman spilled the coffee herself, but argued that McDonald’s should bear responsibility for her injuries because they had made the coffee far hotter than any reasonable person would expect. The woman suffered third degree burns and needed skin graft surgery as a result of the accident. The lawsuit was settled out of court, with the original damages of $2.9 million being reduced to $640,000.

Now, McDonald’s is once again facing a personal injury lawsuit because of their coffee. In this new case, the plaintiff alleges that a McDonald’s employee was negligent and careless in securing the lid to her hot coffee. This negligence resulted in the lid falling off the coffee as the employee handed it to the plaintiff at the drive through window, causing injury. This case is still ongoing and the amount of monetary damages being sought is not public information.

Coffee Lawsuits Criticized

Many advocates for legal reform argued that the 1994 case was frivolous and did not merit even the reduced settlement which the woman eventually received. Today some of the same arguments are being raised by critics. Certainly this second case is suffering in the media from its link with the 1994 case, getting called frivolous simply by association. Of course, public opinion is not always accurate, and the plaintiff in the second case was right to bring her complaint to court rather than being discouraged by the media coverage of the first case and simply giving up.

Your Injury Is All That Matters

If you have been injured in any kind of accident resulting from someone else’s negligence, such as a car accident or a slip & fall accident, you can and should consult a personal injury attorney about the possibility of bringing a claim against the person who caused your injury. Do not let public opinion or embarrassment convince you to forfeit your right to compensation in an attempt to just make the situation go away faster. You can receive compassionate, respectful, and professional service at the Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas. We will make your injury and your compensation our priority, regardless of what anyone else may have to say about it.