
Maximize Your Compensation After an Accident by Properly Documenting Your Injuries and Property Damage

It is very common for a person who has been injured in a car accident to feel that their case is cut and dry. They know who was at fault, they have witnesses, and they feel that their case is tied up cleaning with a bow. The truth is that you should never take this for granted. Until you have a settlement check in your hand, assume that you will need to fight for the compensation you deserve.

One of the ways you can do so is to ensure that you have evidence of your injuries and of any property damage. You can always contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas for a free legal case evaluation to find out what your options are and how to best preserve evidence. Just call us at 909-982-0707. You can also read on to find out more about how to document your injuries and property damage.

Take Photos

Photos are one of the best ways to document both the accident and the resulting injuries and damage. You should get pictures of the damage done to your car and other property, the location of the accident with street signs, traffic lights, or stop signs clearly visible, the extent of your injuries and others who were injured, and pictures of yourself before you were injured.

If your accident happened days or even weeks ago and you did not take pictures, you can still do so now. It may not be as convincing to a judge or jury as it would have been if the photos were taken right after the accident but they are better than nothing.

Keep Copies of All Medical Records

If you have any written correspondence with your medical team, keep it. Get together any receipts you paid for co-payments, any costs you paid for prescriptions, and any other expenses that were related to your medical care. This includes any necessary travel expenses to get to and from your medical appointments.

Document Your Lost Income

If you have had to take time off from work due to your injuries, then you may be eligible to have this compensated. Get bank statements or pay stubs that show that you have lost income. Even if your employer paid you via sick pay, PTO, or vacation time, you have still lost out on that benefit and may be eligible for reimbursement.

Keep a Journal of Your Experience

It is also wise to write a short daily journal entry detailing your experience. For example, if you have been in a train accident and have broken your leg, you might jot down your pain levels each day as well as any special care you had to take. This can be very important to show the jury how the injury has impacted your life.

If you have been injured in any type of accident in which another party was at fault, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for your free legal consultation.