
Many Different Factors Can Affect the Value of a Brain Injury Personal Injury Claim``

TBIs, or traumatic brain injuries, are among the most expensive personal injuries. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 2 million brain injuries occur each year, with around 100,000 fatalities and 500,000 injuries requiring hospitalization. TBIs cost society an estimated $76 billion throughout their lifespan.

This covers medical expenditures, missed work time, and additional expenses paid by taxpayers in some situations, such as social services. TBIs are obviously costly, but how can a personal injury lawyer assess the cost to an individual in order to negotiate a reasonable settlement? Read on to learn and then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

The severity of the head damage

TBIs are classified in a variety of ways, the majority of which are based on the kind or process of the damage. For instance, a “concussion” is a TBI in which the head and brain swing back and forth rapidly, producing damage.

In certain situations, such as in vehicle accidents, these injuries are further categorized, such as a “coup/contrecoup” injury. The brain in this scenario continues to travel forward from momentum before reversing direction, resulting in concussion in two different sites. A personal injury lawyer will study medical records to determine the nature of the damage before assessing a claim.

The severity of the injury

Although they can be severe, concussions are typically referred to as “minor” traumatic brain injuries. TBIs are graded on a scale that varies from “mild” to “moderate” to “severe” or “catastrophic,” depending on the extent of brain injury.

This is sometimes difficult to notice at first. A very minor injury can sometimes result in significant damage if the brain swells or grows as a result of inflammation and trauma. In such situations, what begins as a “moderate” TBI might soon become “catastrophic.” A personal injury lawyer must evaluate not just the origin of a brain damage, but also how it could evolve.

The losses incurred as a result of the injury

The most crucial task for a personal injury lawyer is to assess the total and long-term expenses of a brain damage. The sufferer may not have enough money to pay for long-term care or expenditures if the TBI is devalued.

As a result, a personal injury lawyer would consider the cost of medical treatment, missed wages from a job, living expenditures linked to the TBI, and even predicted lost future earnings and possibilities. It is critical to get this estimate right in order to ensure that the victim has enough money to last the remainder of his or her life.

TBIs are a common type of trauma that can occur as a result of accidents, slips and falls, and other events. Do not presume that you have the expertise and abilities to negotiate your own settlement if you have suffered a traumatic brain injury. Make sure you contact a personal injury lawyer with experience, such as Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas. Call us at 909-982-0707 to request your free legal consultation.