
Making Sense of Dog Attacks: Why Do Dogs Bite and What You Should Do if They Do

More than four million Americans are bit by dogs every year. One-fifth of those victims will need medical attention of some kind. Even sadder, many of those who fall victim to dog bites are children younger than 13. Dogs are much more likely bite children for a number of reasons, including the fact that children are smaller and they don’t always know how to act properly around dogs.

Most parents assume that most dog bites occur with strange dogs, but they may be surprised to learn how many occur with dogs the child is familiar with. This is why children – and adults – need to be sure they know how to act around dogs so that they can reduce the chances they’ll be bitten. A dog of any size and breed can bite and injure a person of any age or size. Read on to learn more about why dogs bite and how you can protect yourself. Then reach out to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

Dogs can be very possessive

There are many reasons that a dog may bite. One thing that’s important to remember is that dogs are, by nature, possession. They are looking to protect many things in their life, including their toys, foods, territory, and the family they live with. Children shouldn’t get involved in anything on that list when they’re around dogs. Even if the dog seems harmless, the situation can escalate quickly if the dog feels that any of their possession are in harm’s way.

Dogs often bite out of fear

In many cases, dogs are simply scared. Like people, they don’t like the unknown. If they’re going to the vet, or they see a strange they don’t know, then they can become agitated. Don’t let your children go up to a dog they don’t know, as that dog may be afraid and could bite them. Even if the dog is behind a fence, don’t approach it. Never walk up to a dog while it’s sleeping, from behind, or close to its face.

Dogs can bite if they’re in pain

If a dog has pain then it’s at an increased threat to bite. Whether it’s an injury you can see or a hidden injury like hip dysplasia, be wary of any dog that’s injured. Touching it on any part of its body can make it uncomfortable and that can lead to a bite.

What to do if a dog is aggressive toward

If you’re around a dog that gets aggressive, you should stop in your tracks, stand still, and face the dog. However, don’t look the dog in the eye as they may view this as a challenge. If they come up to sniff you, then it’s likely they find you more interesting than threatening and they’re likely to move on. If the dog does attack you, curl up, protect your face and your neck, and try to stay as still as possible. Seek immediate medical treatment and then contact a personal injury attorney to find out if you have grounds for a case.