
Learn What a Premises Liability Case is and How a Person Can File a Claim if They Have a Case

You may have heard the term “slip and fall” accident in California. A premises liability accident is the correct legal word, and it might entail much more than a simple slip and fall. If you were hurt on someone else’s property as a result of their carelessness or recklessness with the upkeep of their property, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. Read on to learn more, and then call 909-982-0707 to schedule a free legal consultation with Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas.

Accidents involving premises liability might occur for a variety of reasons

There are various sorts of carelessness that might translate to grounds for a premises liability lawsuit, just as there are different types of premises liability suits. For example, if a property owner knowingly keeps hazardous conditions on their property, fails to correct a condition that they are aware of, fails to inspect their property thoroughly enough to discover potential dangers, or fails to warn others of potential dangers, they may be held financially liable.

A company with a slick floor due to a leak or spill is one of the most prevalent examples of premises liability incidents. The client is not aware of it since they are focused on the items on the shelf, but store employees should be on the lookout for risks and doing safety sweeps. They should have discovered the dangerous scenario and put-up warning signs or cones or otherwise remedied the problem. If a warning was posted, the company being sued can utilize it as a defense in court.

Other causes of premises liability accidents

A firm that lacks proper amenities is another major cause of a premises liability case. As an example, suppose you reside in an apartment building with a poorly lighted corridor. It is possible that you will trip and break your leg as a result of this. When wires or unsecured cords are dangling over pathways, catastrophic accidents might occur. Another major cause of a premises liability case is equipment failure. Automatic doors breaking down, elevators or escalators unexpectedly halting, and irrigation systems oversaturating pathways are all scenarios that might lead to premises liability claims.

Do you require assistance with a possible premises liability case?

Do you think you might have a premises liability case? If you do, you should consult with an experienced lawyer. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we will start by getting to know you and your situation. We will offer you our honest judgment on whether or not you have a valid claim. We will take your case on a contingency basis if we feel you do and you elect to deal with us. This means you will only have to pay us if we win your case. For a free consultation, call 909-982-0707 right now.