
Learn How You Can Take Action Against a Negligent Property Owner

Most people go on to property owned by another person or entity nearly every day. Whether you go into a store, walk into an office building, visit the post office, or spend time at the home of a friend or acquaintance, anytime you go on to the property of another person, you’re counting on the owner of that property to ensure that it’s safe.

You likely never think about whether or not the property of someone else is safe or dangerous – that is until you’re the victim of negligence. If you were on property owned by someone else and you were injured, and the danger that caused your injury could or should have been noticed by the owner of the property, then you may have grounds to file a premises accident liability case.

No one expects to be injured on someone else’s property

When you walk onto property owned by someone else, you have a reasonable expectation that the property will be safe from obvious hazards. You don’t expect to go to a friend’s house and fall into a large hole, which results in broken bones. You don’t expect to go to work and be knocked down on the ground by a hanging wire.

If you are injured as a result of another person or entity not taking reasonable measures to keep their property safe, then it’s time to contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707. We can help you find the best way forward. We are dedicated to finding the best possible outcome for your case.

Several things are required to prove your case

In order for the negligent party to be held liable, the first step is to prove that they either knew about the hazard or that they should have known about it. For example, if there was an obvious danger that a general check on the property would have found, then they can be held responsible even if they weren’t aware of the hazard. We simply need to show that it was obvious and had been there long enough that they should have known about it.

Next we need to show that you suffered an injury as a result of the accident. In short, simply falling isn’t enough – that fall must also have resulted in injury. To prove this aspect of your case, we’ll start by looking at medical records and speaking to your physician. We can also bring in our own experts if necessary.

Finally, we’ll need to determine your damages. This includes both economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages include things like lost wages, hospital costs, doctor’s bills, and the cost of medical devices you need at home. Non-economic damages include things like pain and suffering. The specific type and amount of damages will vary on a case to case basis.

Are you ready to find out if you have grounds to file a personal injury lawsuit? Then it’s time to call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707. We’ll start off with a free legal consultation during which we can listen to your story and provide the legal advice you need to decide how to move forward.