
It is Legal to Drive without Shoes in California – But There Are Several Reasons Not To

It might be tempting to drive down the road barefoot on a beautiful California day, but it is not advised. Some people believe it is illegal to do so, and while that is not true, it is true that there are reasons not to. Feel free to keep reading to find out how driving barefoot or with flip flops can increase your chance of being involved in a car accident. If you have already been injured in an accident, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free consultation.

Bare Feet Offer No Protection After Being in an Accident

Even if not wearing shoes did not increase your chance of being involved in an accident, it would certainly increase the chance that you would suffer injury. For example, if you are in an accident and glass breaks, you might have to walk through the glass without shoes. This could lead to serious lacerations. Car parts, sharp objects, and gasoline are all substances that could damage your feet after an accident.

Injuries Can Be Made Worse

If you do not have shoes on and your feet are involved in the injury, then you can expect those injuries to be worse. Why? Because your feet have no protection. Just like a motorcycle rider is more likely to be seriously injured due to their lack of protection, if you have bare feet during an accident, your feet will have little protection.

It Can Be Distracting

If you do not have shoes on while you are driving, you could become distracted by the uncomfortable feeling of your feet directly on the pedals. This might seem like a minor concern, but remember that around 60% of car accidents involve distracted driving. If you are constantly looking down at your feet while you are driving, then you are not keeping your eyes on the road – and you are therefore increasing your chances of causing an accident.

Flip Flops Are Not Much Better

Once again, it is entirely legal to drive with flip flops on, but they can be dangerous as well. They can get stuck on or around the pedals or slip off while you are driving. This can cause a distraction and can make it difficult or impossible to stop in an emergency. While flip flops might provide some protection if you are forced to walk over glass and other debris, they otherwise do not help.

Whether or not someone was wearing shoes is not likely to be a relevant factor in a personal injury case. If you have been injured, please contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 to request a free legal consultation with an experienced attorney.