
It Can Be a Challenge to Determine the Right of Way in a Parking Lot After a Car Accident

We are all aware that automobile accidents occur often, yet most people tend to associate accidents with roads or highways rather than parking lots. Parking lots might sometimes be riskier than you would realize, particularly for collisions involving pedestrians. Even while these events seldom result in fatalities, they can nonetheless result in severe property damage and injuries.

Parking lot collisions occur often in part because many drivers are not aware of who actually has the right of way. If you have been hurt in a parking lot accident, continue reading to learn the solutions, and then call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for legal assistance.

accidents in parking lots: common causes

People are frequently engaged in parking lot accidents for a variety of reasons. Unmarked lanes, spots, and directional markers are one of the main culprits. Simply put: People frequently do not understand the proper method to drive or the proper way for other cars to drive. Other frequent contributors to crashes include texting and driving, excessive speeding, dim illumination, blind turns, unmarked lanes, and poor pavement conditions.

In a parking lot, right of way can be difficult to determine

It is frequently true that determining who has the right of way in a parking lot is more difficult than it is on the road. Nevertheless, laws still apply. In a parking lot, if you are in the through lane, other cars must defer to you since you have the right of way. Unless there is a stop sign or a yield sign that signals otherwise, this is true regardless of whether they are parked or approaching the through lane.

A vehicle must yield to any oncoming traffic in the thoroughfare as it leaves a parking area. Almost invariably, the car leaving the parking space is at blame in an accident. These are only a few illustrations of the complexity of right-of-way legislation for parking lights.

How to Respond in the Event of a Parking Lot Accident

The idea that a “small” collision in a parking lot never needs police assistance is a widespread one. The opposite is true. You are obligated by law to report any accident in the state of California that results in an injury of any seriousness and/or damage totaling at least $950. It is better to call the police to find out for sure if your case qualifies if you are unsure.

If required, seek medical care as your next move. We advise getting in touch with a personal injury lawyer as soon as you can if you have experienced harm and damages and think that someone else is to blame. Call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas right away to get started at 909-982-0707.