
Important Dos and Don’ts to Follow When Injured in an Accident

If you were injured in any type of personal injury accident, there are certain things you should do and some things that you should not do. Keep reading to get an idea of both categories. If you have questions and want to speak to an attorney who can help with your injury claim, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

Do: Contact an Attorney as Soon as Possible

Do not wait to contact an attorney. The sooner you contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas for your free legal consultation, the more easily we can collect evidence, the better the memory of any witnesses will be, and the sooner we can make sure that other parties are held accountable.

Don’t: Talk About the Facts of the Case

Unless your injury lawyer tells you to do so, you should not discuss the facts or specifics of your case. Yes, you can talk with your spouse because they cannot be compelled to testify against you. However, assume that anything you tell anyone else can be used against you.

Do: Take Photos to Gather as Much Evidence as Possible

It is wise to take photos of all involved vehicles. Take photos of the roadway conditions. If someone has been injured, take pictures of that. Pictures can be an essential part of proving your case.

Don’t: Admit Fault

Never admit fault to anyone. Do not even offer an opinion on what could have happened to cause the accident. Even if you believe that what you are saying keeps you in the clear and proves your case, a savvy attorney can use your words against you. It is best to say as little as possible to everyone.

Do: Get Contact Information from All Involved Parties

This includes the other drivers as well as witnesses. If you do not know of any witnesses, you can talk to local businesses to see if anyone there witnessed the accident. We can talk to them as well to obtain any CCTV that may be available.

Don’t: Wait to Get Medical Care

If you need medical care and take your time in getting it, the other side can use this against you in several ways. First, they can say that your injuries must not be as serious as you say there are. If they were, you would have sought immediate medical care. Second, they can say that if you had gone to the doctor sooner, your injuries would not have been as serious and they are therefore not responsible for said injuries.

Do: Follow Your Doctor’s Advice

Deviating from your doctor’s advice can be seen as evidence that you are not as injured as you say you are. Follow their advice to the letter. If they tell you not to work then you should not work. Take medications as prescribed. Do not give the other side a reason to deny your claim.