
How to Make a Claim for Injuries from Dangerous Road Conditions in California

When you are involved in a collision that was caused by or made worse by dangerous road conditions, it is possible that the government can be held liable for your damages. If you want to know how to make a claim for any injuries you suffered, keep reading or contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

The First Step is Contacting a Personal Injury Attorney

First and foremost, we strongly recommend contacting an experienced personal injury attorney. We will go over your case, determine your options, and help you decide how to move forward. Every case is different, and the only way you will know for sure what your next best move is will be to talk to an experienced attorney.

Collect All Relevant Information for Your Case

It is important to keep together all the relevant information for your case. This includes things like where the dangerous condition was, the name of the road you were driving on when you were injured, contact information for anyone who witnesses the incident, the direction you were traveling, a description of the condition (including how deep, long, and wide it was), and all records such as medical bills, repair costs, police reports, etc.

Determining Who to Sue

In some ways, the most difficult part of this process is determining who can be held accountable for your accident. While the answer will depend on the specifics of your case, the government entity who was responsible for the road might be the at-fault party. We will determine this for you by looking at the accident and contacting relevant government agencies.

The Government is Not the Only Party That Could Be Held Accountable

Yes, the government might be held accountable but remember that there might be other parties that you could sue instead of (or in addition to) the government. This could include a construction company that was working on the road, a company that created faulty asphalt, a manufacturer of a defective stoplight, a truck that spilled oil on the road, or other parties that caused dangerous road conditions.

Follow the Advice of Your Doctor and Your Attorney

It is important to follow through with all medical appointments and advice from your doctor. If you fail to do so, then the insurance company could claim that your injuries are either not as serious as you stated or you would have followed the medical advice, or that if you had followed the medical advice that your injuries would not be as serious.

Second, you should follow the advice of your attorney. Remember that you have hired us for a reason: we have the legal expertise to handle your case. Call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas now at 909-982-0707 to request a free legal consultation.