
How Likely is It That an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Will Take Your Case?

A few personal injury lawyers have tarnished the industry by being driven solely by greed rather than a genuine desire to aid their clients. These mediocre lawyers will take almost any case that comes their way as long as the victim is able to pay their legal costs.

Here’s something to keep in mind: a good vehicle accident lawyer will never ask for money in advance. Quality lawyers only take matters that have merit. They do not require a retainer or an hourly charge to begin working on your case since they are sure that they will win the case and earn their fee from the settlement, rather than from your wallet.

How to know whether a good car accident lawyer would take your case

Asking one is the best way to find out. Call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 to book a free first consultation and find out whether Attorney Vargas can assist you as your vehicle accident lawyer. However, before you call, you may read about some of the criteria that an attorney will take into account while analyzing your case here.

Clear liability

The first question an auto accident lawyer would ask is if another person may be found to bear more than 50% of the blame for the accident. After all, establishing responsibility is a must for building a solid case for reimbursement for your injuries.

Quantifiable losses

Next, an auto accident lawyer will want to make sure that he can establish not just that you were injured, but also that the cost of that damage to your life. It will be almost hard to show that the accident caused your damage if you do not seek medical care for your injuries immediately after the accident, and an attorney will likely be unable to assist you.

There is a way to recover damages

Finally, an auto accident lawyer in Riverside CA will need to determine that the at-fault person has sufficient insurance or other means to compensate you for your damages. Unfortunately, if you were hurt by an uninsured motorist who has no income or assets, an attorney will likely be unable to assist you since that individual simply does not have the financial means to compensate you.

If you have been injured in an accident in which another party was at least 50% at fault, we urge you to contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas today at 909-982-0707 to request a free legal consultation.