
Have You Been Injured in a Car Accident? Do You Want to Avoid Wasting Time in Court? Learn about Your Options

After a vehicle accident, most individuals do not want to wind up in court. They often wish to collect the compensation they are entitled for their losses and then move on if they have been damaged. While no one can promise that an insurance company will be ready to settle with you 100 percent of the time, the better your personal injury attorney is, the more likely you will be able to settle your case.

Continue reading to learn about the key actions to follow if you want to settle your case without going to trial and yet obtain a fair compensation. For a free legal consultation, call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 if you have any questions or are ready to let an attorney fight for your rights.

Speak with a personal injury lawyer

First and foremost, we advise you to speak with a personal injury lawyer. Tell us about your injuries, the entire scope of the accident, and any supporting documentation you have. Obtain copies of medical bills and documents, as well as evidence of missed pay, for example. To gain a better understanding of the long-term cost of your injuries, we may consult with additional specialists such as financial experts and physicians.

Make a request

We will calculate the monetary damages you are awarded once you have spoken with a personal injury attorney and gone through your case. The at-fault party and/or their attorney will then get a demand letter from us. Medical bills and police records will be included in this demand letter as well as the legal arguments needed to support what we are seeking for.

The defense attorney or insurance provider has a set length of time to reply and pay the amount or make a counteroffer after receiving it. They are more likely to make a counteroffer than pay the demand. The negotiation will be handled by your lawyer.

Taking the case to court might be the final step

In an ideal world, we would be able to reach an amicable agreement with the at-fault party or their agents. If they refuse to pay a reasonable sum, we will not hesitate to take your case to court. We will only do so if we have a solid case and are certain that we will be able to recover far more than they are ready to settle.

Contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas for a free legal consultation if you would like to learn more about your choices and how we can assist you.