
Get the Facts About the Two Main Car Accident Injury Classifications and Learn How an Attorney Can Help You

A person who is injured in an automobile accident may suffer from a variety of injuries. If you have been injured in any way, the first thing you should do after seeing the doctor is to contact a personal injury lawyer. We can assist you in determining the long-term cost of your injuries and pursuing compensation from the at-fault party for this and other damages. Continue reading to learn about different types of injuries, and then call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas for a free legal consultation.

There are two main types of injuries

In general, there are two different types of injuries. The first are impact injuries, which occur when a person collides with or gets collided with something in an accident. A person striking their head on the steering wheel is an example. Penetrating injuries, on the other hand, are any injury in which anything enters the victim’s skin. These are frequently caused by shattered glass.

Injuries to the soft and hard tissues

Soft tissue and hard tissue injuries can be further subdivided from those classes. A soft tissue injury affects the body’s soft tissues, such as the skin, muscles, and tendons. Soft tissue injuries include things like burns and whiplash. Hard tissue injuries, such as fractures, involve the bones. During most accidents, a person will sustain both hard and soft tissue injuries.

How to get financial assistance to pay your medical bills after an accident

If your injuries cost you money to treat, regardless of where they occurred or how serious or mild they were, you may be asking how to seek help paying those fees. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we strongly advise you to consult with a personal injury attorney to determine if you have grounds for a claim.

You may have a case if someone else was at blame for your accident, even if you were somewhat at fault. It may be tempting to accept a settlement to pay your medical costs as quickly as possible, but many medical providers may accept a lien on your personal injury case and not request payment. This means they will be paid out of your settlement, but you may continue to get treatment without worrying about late fees or defaults in the meanwhile.

Now is the time to contact an attorney for a free legal consultation

If you are not sure what you should do next, we offer an easy solution for you: Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas may be reached at 909-982-0707. We have worked on cases similar to yours for years and know how to negotiate with insurance adjusters, medical specialists, and anyone who may be involved in these complex matters. We will begin with a free legal consultation and will not charge any legal costs unless and until we win your case.