
Get Answers to Your Most Commonly Asked Questions About Personal Injury Attorneys

If you were injured as a result of someone else acting negligently then you may be entitled to compensation. To get a fair shake, the best option is to work with a personal injury attorney. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we know that those who’ve never worked with an attorney before aren’t sure what to expect. We know that you have questions.

We will also point out that the best way to get answers is to call us at 909-982-0707 for a free consultation. That said, we’ve also set out to answer some of the most frequently asked questions California residents have about the process of working with a personal injury attorney.

What is the role of a personal injury attorney?

No matter how straightforward your case may be, the only way to know for sure that it’s proceeding as it should is to work with an experienced attorney. For example, it may be that you think only the driver of the other car was responsible for a car accident, when in reality there may be other parties who were negligent, including the manufacturer of the car, the driver’s mechanic, and others.

When you work with Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we will perform a variety of duties, depending on your unique situation. They include:

  • Working directly with the insurance companies to ensure you get a fair settlement.
  • Communicating with other attorneys involved to ensure that your case moves forward correctly.
  • Investigating your injury and the accident that led to it and then building a case based on that information.
  • Estimating the value of pain, suffering, and other non-economic damages.

When do I hire a personal injury attorney?

If you’ve been injured in an accident then you should at last consult with a personal injury attorney. In the case that you’ve suffered a significant injury, such as a brain injury, then it’s wise to reach out to an attorney as soon as possible. The sooner we can begin gathering evidence, the better your chances will be

In the event that the injuries aren’t quite so severe, we suggest that you consult with us to fully understand all the damages you may be eligible for, including lost wages and medical expenses. Remember that there is a statute of limitations for personal injury cases in California.

How much is my claim worth?

There’s no simple way to answer this. The value of your specific claim is going to vary based on a wide range of factors, including your medical costs, property damage, lost wages, and loss of earning capacity. Non-economic damages you may be eligible for include pain and suffering, punitive damages, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment.

How much does it cost to hire a person injury attorney?

The answer to this question is different at each firm. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we start with a confident, no-cost consultation. If you decide to work with us – and we decide to take your case – then we will take it on a contingency basis. This means you won’t be responsible for a cent until we win your case. If we don’t win then we don’t get paid. Before you sign on with us, we will go over our fees and be sure you understand how it works. Call us at 909-982-0707 to get started.