
Germany is Taking a Unique Approach to Reducing the Number of Pedestrian Accidents

The sad truth is that pedestrian accidents are on the rise throughout the world. In the United States, and California in particular, steps are being taken to reduce these numbers. In fact, Germany has a unique program. Keep reading to learn about the test program currently being run in two German cities and then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 if you are involved in a pedestrian or car accident.

“Walk” and “Don’t Walk” Signs Do Not Work as Well as They Once Did

In the United States, and in many other areas of the world, there are flashing lights for pedestrians to know when it is safe to drive. In the U.S., these signs say “Walk” or “Don’t Walk” and are accompanied by a hand for “Don’t Walk” and a person or persons walking for “Walk.” These used to be very effective but they are less so today for one simple reason: Cell phones.

Pedestrians today are more likely to be looking down at the ground as they stare at their cell phones than to have their heads up and looking at what is happening around them. This is why Germany has taken the steps they have taken to install traffic lights in the ground.

What Germany is Doing to Combat the Problem

Germany is trying a new initiative in two cities in which they are installing traffic lights in the ground. They face up to the pedestrians to create a whole new level of attention. The point is that people walking around can have the convenience of seeing traffic lights even if they refuse to look up.

Some Say Texting and Walking is More Dangerous than Driving and Texting

According to an article by Healthline, texting while walking actually causes more accidents than are caused by texting and driving. Another study found that around 33% of Americans texts or is otherwise on their smartphone while they are at dangerous crossings. Some say that trying to keep pedestrians from texting while walking would not be successful, thus the options brought out by Germany are required.

Different Steps Are Being Taken in the United States

While there have not yet been any cities doing what Germany is doing, there are some cities that recognize and acknowledge how dangerous texting and walking is. Some states, such as New Jersey, have proposed laws that ban walking while on the phone.

If you have been injured in an accident, whether caused by someone walking and texting or another reason, you might have legal options available to you. The best way to find out what your options are is to contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.