
Four Steps to Take if Your Loved One Has Been Injured in a Big Rig Accident

If your loved one has suffered an injury in a truck accident, it is important that you take the steps you can to help them through this situation. If you are like many people, you might not be sure what those steps are. We are here to provide four steps you can take to help them. You can also call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas directly at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

  1. Get Them Medical Care
  2. The most important step you must take is to get them medical care. It is likely that they will have gone to the hospital by ambulance and gotten emergency care. However, this does not mean that all of their injuries were treated. Some injuries, especially soft tissue injuries, might not be immediately apparent. These might have only been minor issues until days or even weeks after the accident, at which point they became more apparent. If your loved one has new symptoms or increasing pain in something they are not being treated for, then you should be sure to get them immediate medical care. This gets them the help they need and also creates the documentation required for a fair settlement or jury verdict.
  3. Help them keep Up with Medical Treatment
  4. Initial medical care is important but it is equally important that they keep up on their treatment. If their doctor suggested a certain number of physical therapy sessions, then they should complete that many physical therapy sessions. If they choose to stop treatment before their doctor recommends that they do so, the defense can use this as “evidence” that their injuries were not as serious as they claim, or that their injuries were made worse by not following medical advice.
  5. Document Everything You Can
  6. Your loved one needs to focus on getting better. One of the ways you can help them do that is by handling the documentation. Simply get all the information they need, such as pictures of the accident, contact information for involved parties, and copies of their medical costs. You can also help them keep a diary to show how the injury has impacted their life.
  7. Help Them Find an Attorney
  8. It is essential that your loved one has the best personal injury attorney around. Once again, their goal should be to focus on getting better, not looking through their options to find the right attorney. This is something you can do for them. Get your research done and call the attorney you think will best represent their needs. You can contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas now at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.