
Follow These Tips to Reduce Your Chance of Being Injured in a Los Angeles Rush Hour Traffic Accident

The traffic in the Los Angeles region is legendary. According to research by Texas A&M University, Los Angeles County has seven of the top 10 most crowded roadways in the country. Many commuters are irritated by traffic. People appear to have two distinct reactions to the situation. Either they become enraged and annoyed by the delays and the conduct of their fellow drivers, or they try to pass the time by playing on their phones when stuck in traffic.

Either response has the potential to be harmful. We discovered that during the evening rush hour in Los Angeles, there is one vehicle accident per minute by extrapolating data from accident reports. Here are some suggestions for dealing with Los Angeles rush hour. If you are involved in a car accident, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

Try to avoid driving during rush hour

Anyone with a flexible schedule would be wise to avoid travelling at periods when traffic is expected to be particularly severe. This is a matter of common sense. Driving during rush hour is, of course, a necessary evil for many individuals due to their job schedules.

Maintain your focus on the road

Every year, nearly 400,000 people are injured as a result of distracted driving. While it may be tempting to spend time when waiting in traffic to catch up on emails and messages, eat or drink, comb your hair, or apply cosmetics, doing so may increase your chances of being involved in an accident. The time you saved would not be worth the expense of an accident.

Allow for plenty of travel time

For some LA drivers, yelling at other vehicles or honking violently from the comfort of their own vehicle appears to be a popular way to blow off stress. It is, however, preferable to avoid allowing this irritation and anger to build up in the first place. Allowing enough time for traffic delays in your commute is a simple approach to reduce annoyance. You will be less anxious as a result, and you will be less likely to cause an accident due to irresponsible driving.

Do not be a rubbernecker

When a vehicle accident occurs in LA during rush hour, Twitter and Facebook get inundated with eyewitness tales. Some individuals even step out of their automobiles to examine the scene more closely. Paying attention to accidents in this manner only serves to exacerbate traffic congestion. Exiting your car while in traffic, as well as using cell phones to browse social media, is unsafe.

Consult an attorney if you are involved in a car accident

If you are injured in a rush hour automobile accident caused by another motorist, you should call an experienced car accident injury lawyer right away. With preparation for any legal action you may choose to pursue, your attorney will assist you in preserving the evidence in the case. Contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 now.