
Five Ways to Be a Responsible Driver and Reduce Drunk Driving Accidents

Everyone wants to be a responsible driver and most people think they are. Most people also think that the only way they can reduce drunk driving accidents is to not drink and drive. The truth is that there are other steps you can take. Keep reading to find out how you can help reduce these accidents. If you do suffer an injury caused by someone else’s negligence, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

  1. Make a Plan Before You Start Driving
  2. It is all too common for a person to swear they would never drive drunk – until they get drunk. The best way to avoid driving drunk is to plan a way home before you start drinking. This could involve taking public transportation, setting a designated driver who will not be drinking, or getting money together for a cab.
  3. Do Not Let Someone You Know Drive Drunk
  4. If you are somewhere and someone is trying to drive drunk, take action. If they are not dangerous, take their keys and arrange a safe drive home. If they appear to be hostile, contact the police. This may seem harsh but the truth is that if they hurt or kill someone on the road, you will know that you could have taken action to stop it.
  5. Never Drive Drunk – for Any Reason
  6. If you make a plan before you leave the house and that plan no longer works, do not then assume that you can just drive home. There are many other options. Whether you call a friend, a taxi, or a ridesharing service, do not ever fall into the trap of believing that driving drunk is your only option.
  7. Take Responsibility if You Are Hosting a Part
  8. If you are hosting a party and alcohol will be served, make sure that your guests have a way home. If you have the room, offer them a ride home. If you have friends who do not drink, as if they can be sober drivers. Having a plan ahead of time is the best way to prevent issues.
  9. Wear Your Seatbelt at All Times
  10. While wearing a seatbelt cannot prevent accidents, it can prevent a minor accident from turning deadly. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargasare we strongly recommend that you wear your seatbelt every time you get into the car. This is even if you are only going for a one-mile drive. This is true if you are sitting in the front or the back. Seatbelts save lives and you should always wear one.