
Everything You Need to Know About Hiring an Attorney for a Spinal Cord Injury

Have you or someone you love suffered from a spinal cord injury? Are you considering hiring a spinal cord attorney? When you call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 you’ll be dealing with an experienced personal injury attorney who’s helped thousands of clients get the compensation they deserve. Before you call us for your free initial consultation, learn the most important things you should know before deciding on a spinal cord injury lawyer.

Work with someone who offers a free initial consultation and works on contingency

First and foremost, you’re going to want to choose someone who offers you a free initial consultation. Other attorneys have their reasons for charging for these consultations but at Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we believe you should have all the information before you officially hire anyone. That’s why we offer this consultation. It gives us a change to understand your case and give you a brief outline of what we think your options may be and it gives you the chance to decide if we’re the right fit for you.

As to contingency, some attorneys charge whether you win or lose. Again, they have their reasons but the truth is that we don’t think you should pay for services that don’t benefit you. There are many advantages to choose a California personal injury lawyer that works on contingency. First, you can trust that we will fight as aggressively and thoroughly as we possibly can because you’ll know we don’t get paid unless you do.

Second, it means you won’t have to put any money of pocket. In fact, we even cover all your court and litigation costs. That means if we need to hire expert witnesses, pay filling fees, etc., we pay them. The only time any payment is owed to us is if we will your case.

Know what damages you may be compensated for

Every case is different at we will be happy to discuss the specifics of your case during your free consultation. However, here are some of the more common damages we have recovered for our clients in the past:

  • The cost of rehabilitation.
  • The costs of occupational therapy.
  • All medical expenses.
  • The costs of physical therapy.
  • Your lost wages.
  • The physical pain and suffering you’ve gone through.
  • Your lost earnings and future ability to earn.
  • Mental and emotional suffering.
  • Your loss of enjoyment of life.
  • The cost of transportation.
  • The cost of assistive devices.
  • Your loss of consortium.
  • The cost of necessary modifications to your home.
  • The loss of your ability to perform household services.

Proving these damages won’t be easy. We’re likely to need numerous expert witnesses, which may include both medical professionals and economists. Not only can they help us prove your case but they may also be able to provide future help in developing a future life plan. Are you ready to get started today? Then call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 and let us help you!